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Tasker Community Guidelines

At Taskpin, we are passionate about connecting people looking for work with those in need of their services. To ensure that our community reflects our values and standards of behavior, we ask that you follow our guidelines. By doing so, we can maintain an authentic and transparent platform that provides an enjoyable experience for everyone.

We are here to facilitate a reliable, safe, and successful environment and are ready to help resolve any issues that may arise. We kindly ask for your cooperation and a timely response to any communication from the Taskpin team. If you suspect a member has violated any of our guidelines, please report it to us as soon as possible using the Report as Inappropriate feature located within the task or profile or contact us directly.

Taskpin takes any breaches of our Community Guidelines seriously. If we receive reports that you have violated any of the guidelines below, we may take action to remove any content, posted task, or offer you have submitted to the Taskpin service or cancel or suspend your account and/or any task contracts.

1. Protecting private information:To maintain the integrity and authenticity of Taskpin, members cannot share private contact information through private messages. This includes, but is not limited to, business websites, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, personal emails, phone numbers, addresses, or personal websites.

2. Promoting positive behaviors: We expect all members of the Taskpin community to show courtesy, mutual respect, and empathy towards each other. We do not tolerate any form of negative behavior, including hatred or violence, discrimination, harassment, illegal activities, or trolling.

3. Supporting fair practices: At Taskpin, we strive to create a fair, transparent, and trustworthy environment. To achieve this, we do not support fraudulent Taskpin reviews, artificially improving public profiles, discussion forums, harvesting member information, lead generation, or any alcohol-related tasks.

4. Understanding Pricing and Payments: In order to maintain a safe and satisfying environment for everyone in the Taskpin community, it's crucial to have a clear grasp of how pricing and payments function.

  • Task Prices: Offers must represent the complete amount for each task and not be based on hourly, unit or quote-based rates. Additionally, partial quotes that refer to negotiations outside of the platform are not permitted.
  • Taskpin Payment Account: To guarantee that you receive payment for a task, the Taskpin Payment Account holds the funds securely until the task is marked as complete. Cash payments are not allowed on the Taskpin platform.
  • Accurate Banking Details: To ensure a seamless transfer of funds, it is important to maintain up-to-date banking information in your Payment Settings.
  • 5. Responsibility and Reputation: You are accountable for your actions on the Taskpin platform and the provision and outcome of every task assigned to you. Your responsibilities include:

  • Managing Other Taskers: The Tasker in charge of the task is accountable for the actions of any Taskers they enlist to assist them in providing the agreed-upon services. If the assigned Tasker chooses to sub-contract others to perform the agreed-upon services, they must obtain the Poster's permission and ensure that all assisting Taskers have a Taskpin user account. Even if you requested other Taskers to assist with the task, you must attend in person to verify that the task requirements are met for in-person tasks.
  • Providing Positive Experiences: Taskers must not repeatedly provide negative experiences for other members of the Taskpin community. If Taskpin receives reports of any Guidelines breaches, it reserves the right to remove content, cancel or suspend your account and/or task contracts.
  • 6. Account Eligibility: Although you may be eager to create an account and start using Taskpin, you must ensure that you meet the following requirements:

  • Age of 18 or older: All members of the Taskpin community must be 18 years or older, and proof of age may be requested if necessary.
  • Legal Working Rights: All Taskers must be legally authorized to perform the task to prevent legal risks to the community.
  • No Duplicate Accounts: Each member is only permitted to have one active account on the platform. Duplicate accounts attempting to conceal a member's history will be deleted, and associated content and task contracts will be cancelled.
  • 7. Account Administration: Here are some essential details about accounts now that you have a better understanding of Taskpin:

  • No Account Transfers: Your account is your responsibility, and you must keep it under your control. It should not be transferred to another individual, as your account and feedback reflect your skills and abilities.
  • No Duplicate Accounts: Each member is only allowed to have one active account on the platform. Duplicate accounts attempting to conceal a member's history will be deleted, and associated content and task contracts will be cancelled.
  • Cooperation: If Taskpin Community members or staff reach out to request information, both Posters and Taskers must respond within a reasonable timeframe.
  • 8. Identity on Taskpin: Taskpin aims to create a welcoming and secure community platform based on transparency and respect. To promote trust, all members are required to have a profile photo and name that accurately identifies them. False or unrelated pictures and names are not permitted on the Taskpin platform. Members who do not comply with Taskpin standards for their profile picture or name will be asked to update their details.

    Taskpin Profile Standards
  • Name: Your genuine name as validated by your identification documents (passport, driver's licence, etc.).
  • Profile Photo: A clear, front-facing profile photo of a member's face that is readily recognizable by other members.